Weight Loss Surgery

The team of bariatric surgeons headed by Dr. HS Jolly at Prolife Hospital work with specialists from multiple disciplines to give patients comprehensive care. The surgical team is equipped with the latest real-time imaging technology and advanced surgical equipment, giving them the capacity to perform all bariatric procedures effectively.

Bariatric surgery is an effort to surgically modify the digestive system with an intention to achieve weight loss. The surgery is only advised in cases where the dangers of excessive weight and weight gain significantly threaten the health of the patient.

Some of the Interventional Treatments are :

  • Gastric bypass
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
  • Sleeve gastrectomy
  • Adjustable gastric band

Weight Loss Surgery: Beneficial or Risky?


Weight loss surgery has appeared to be an effective way to rescue people from the life-threatening effects of obesity. The prevalence of obesity has encouraged doctors to research different methods that turn out to be helpful for overweight patients. Obesity not only damages the quality of life but also leads to heart diseases. Doctors have argued that bariatric surgery, the most common form of weight loss surgery, has proved to be beneficial for obsessed patients with a tendency to have significant heart diseases.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery indicates a series of weight loss procedures that individual obsessed patients can have to gain the ability to reduce food intake. A person is regarded to be obsessed when his/her BMI is over 30.

Weight loss surgery has been popularized in India, with some hospitals that have started weight loss surgery in Punjab in the recent past. The three most beneficial procedures of bariatric surgery are gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass. Recovery times vary according to patients’ health conditions. All of these have proved to be more beneficial rather than exerting significant negative impacts on patients.

Health Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery can change your life if you go for weight loss surgery in Punjab hospitals where experienced physicians and surgeons take special care of individual patients. Doctors of renowned hospitals have claimed that there are several health benefits of this surgery. If doctors suggest that you can get relief from obesity with this surgery, contact a hospital where bariatric surgery facilities are available.

  • Recovery from Type II Diabetes:

Most patients have experienced an improvement in the control of diabetes after this surgery. 77% of diabetic patients have been able to stop diabetes medications after surgery.

  • Improvement in quality of life:

Patients have reported that they have experienced improved quality of life. Most of them have resumed their activities that have been restricted for their excessive weight.

  • Reduced hypertension:

Over 60% of patients who have been affected by high blood pressure have stopped medication following weight loss surgery in Punjab. 80% have reported an improvement in their high blood pressure.

  • Decreasing death rate

Several studies have highlighted that bariatric surgery has decreased death tendency in obsessed individuals. Most notably, reduction in death from cancer and cardiovascular disease has indicated the beneficial aspect of this surgery on overweight people.  

At their inceptive evaluation for bariatric surgery, some patients have faced sleep apnea. They must go for quick tests and begin treatment before surgery as per recommendations of physicians who have done the surgery. 68-95% of patients have overcome sleep apnea.

Before undergoing a surgical procedure, patients should be checked up thoroughly by a group of specialists from multiple disciplines. Always choose a hospital for weight loss surgery in Canada, where eminent doctors are available to provide 24 hours of emergency services. Profile Hospital in Ludhiana has come up with multiple facilities that are essential for bariatric surgery. The team of Dr. HS Jolly utilizes advanced surgical equipment to improve your life with weight loss surgery.  

If You Find Best Hospital For Weight Loss Surgery  in Punjab. Then You are Right Place. Prolife Hospitals is the No.1 Weight Loss Surgery hospital In Ludhiana, India. Dr. HS Jolly at Prolife Hospitals is Weight Loss Surgery Specialist in India.

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