Kidney Dialysis

The Dialysis Center at Prolife Hospitals provides extensive care and concern to patients whose kidneys do not function properly. The kidneys are essential for life due to their ability to flood out water and waste from the blood vessels. But when these kidneys stop functioning properly, either due to injury or any other disease, then dialysis is done to help purify the blood and remove waste.

Dialysis at Best Kidney Hospital In Ludhiana

Prolife Hospitals has started a life-saving kidney dialysis treatment for patients who suffer from acute kidney failure. Generally, there are two types of dialysis treatment given to patients depending upon their condition. Our experienced medical team is known for its superior clinical skills and ability to treat patients of all ages, from children to adults. We have a world-class team of kidney transplant specialists, nephrologists, urologists, and the technical know-how to meet the challenges of performing multiple life-saving procedures. We provide the most advanced diagnostics and comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative care and dialysis support.


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