Blood Bank

We are committed to provide Right blood component to Right patient at the Right time in the Right quantity and doing it Right in the first time.

The Blood Bank gives service 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. It’s well equipped with all the latest and advanced equipment required for Collection, Processing, Storage and Issue of Blood and Blood Components. The staff is well qualified, dedicated and proficient.

laparoscopic fibroid removal recovery

Our Blood Bank provides a wide range of facilities under a single roof that includes:

  • Packed Red Cell Concentrate (P.C)
  • Irradiated Packed Red Cell Concentrate
  • Leucodepleted Packed Red Cell Concentrate
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
  • Normal Human Plasma
  • Platelet Concentrate (R.D.P)
  • Leucodepleted R.D.P.
  • Irradiated R.D.P.
  • Platelet Concentrate (S.D.P)
  • Irradiated S.D.P.
  • Cryoprecipitate.

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