Prolife Hospitals provide world class comprehensive cardiac care with best experts in the field backed by high technology support to perform all kinds of procedures from interventional to complex cardiac surgeries.
An excellent diagnostic and therapeutic facilities for accurate diagnosis and successful treatment of all heart conditions. A highly experienced team to provide care for a wide range of cardiac problems covering both Paediatric and Adult patients.

We are equipped with 24 x 7 State of the Art 3rd Generation CATHLAB, EP lab and dedicated Cardiac Care Unit ( CCU ) to diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of heart problems as in emergency outpatient and inpatient set up.
We perform the most advanced cardiac surgeries with excellent immediate and long term outcomes. Whether it is a newborn with complex anomaly of the heart or an adult requiring bypass surgery or valve replacement, our outcomes are comparable to the best centres worldwide.
- 24 x 7 heart care centre with a team of experts to diagnose and treat all cardiac Emergencies
- State of the Art Cathlab with a ceiling mounted advanced Philips Allure FD10 for precision and accuracy
- Excellent Electro Physio lab to diagnose & treat palpitation and slow heartbeats
- Collaborative Care ( We are an integrated and multidisciplinary team of doctors and health care professionals who provide individualized care for each patient )